
We can’t wait.

We Can’t Wait is a grassroots Facebook Group created for catastrophically injured auto crash survivors, families, providers and friends to share information and seek advice regarding a fix to PA21-22. Through thousands of letters and emails, phone calls, demonstrations, protests, and visits to the Capitol, We Can't Wait has become a recognized advocacy group and voice for all survivors.   


The We Can’t Wait team provides leadership, information, and assistance for members to help educate legislators and the public. We have created a clear picture for lawmakers and the public to understand the devastating effects the change to the no-fault law has created for all involved. And the attention we have garnered from the media helps further educate lawmakers and the public while reinforcing our struggles. 


Members provide a wealth of support and information to one another through their posts and zoom support groups.  

The group was formed in April 2021 by Peggy Campbell who is the sister of an auto crash survivor with a spinal cord injury. Now a lead team of volunteers including survivors, family members, and friends, have joined together to help lead this group through and respond to the actions that are making this reform a humanitarian crisis.


As of July 2024, the group has more than 8,700 members and continues to grow. We remain committed to campaign for the critical legislation to change the fee schedule for providers and family caregivers and modify the hourly limitations for families providing critical care to their loved ones.

WCW Team:

  • Peggy Campbell – Administrator (Sister of survivor) 
  • Lois Cordle – Administrator (Mother of survivor)
  • Maureen Howell – Capitol Advocate (Mother of survivor)
  • Kim Foreback- Ambassador (Mother of survivor)
  • Chalisse Wilson – Ambassador (Sister of survivor)

Advocating for Survivors

The We Can't Wait Advocacy Group is for survivors, families, providers and friends to share information and take action. Join us to tell lawmakers to pass legislation to fix the fee schedule. The changes implemented July 1, 2021, are having devastating consequences on survivors and families now causing a humanitarian crisis.

If you're here, you may be in a similar situation. So together let’s make our voice heard and get legislation passed. Jump on board and recruit family and friends to help.

Together As a Team

Our membership skyrocketed immediately. Peggy reached out for help and several volunteers came forward to help. We all volunteer our time to share information and offer suggestions for what we can do to fix the problems with no fault reform. Join the team! Help us help you!